Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gbc Awards free essay sample

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Monday, November 25, 2019

The Most Disastrous Job Interviews [Video]

The Most Disastrous Job Interviews [Video] Maybe you’ve just come from what you consider the worst job interview of your life. First of all, relax, it (hopefully!) didn’t go as badly as you think. Second, realize that we’re all human, and everyone understands how nerve-wracking job interviews are. It’s okay not to be perfect- really. Have a laugh (or a cry?) a mashup of the most disastrous job interviews put to film. You’ll surely look like a superstar in comparison.You’ll get ’em next time, we promise!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Toulmin Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toulmin Analysis - Essay Example The backing is also reinforced by the claim that the Web is godsend to the narrator as a writer. The backing is also emphasized by not only the assertion that research that used to be carried out in days is now done in minutes, but also the assertion that the author when not working spends a lot of time in the Web’s info-thickets’ reading (Carr 2). Additionally, the backing is emphasized by the assertion that the more time spent on the web makes a person to straggle stay focused on lengthy pieces of writing. There qualifier for the argument is that the Net has become a universal medium that provides most information which flows not only through eyes and ears, but also the mind (Carr 4). A direct rebuttal to the claim that the Internet is affecting the way we think appears in this article. The narrator claims that the advantage of accessing such an incredible of information are diverse and many. In support of the rebuttal, the narrator claims that media supply the stuff of thought as well as shape the process of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rene Descarte's Faulty Reliance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rene Descarte's Faulty Reliance - Essay Example To rehearse his argument in short: Descartes believes that we cannot at first glance trust our senses, as it is possible that we are being deceived. Those elements of the world outside our own mind (the res extensa) are available for our thought and our perception (res cogitans) but we cannot trust that the reality of what we think we see is in fact what comprises the world around us. We should doubt, radically, such a belief, because for Descartes this gap between the world around us and our knowledge of the world helps to explain why there exists to many different beliefs about the fundamental nature of our existence. Instead, Descartes suggests, we should be satisfied with the knowledge only that we can think, that we can consider, that thing that we call knowledge, and that material we think of as the world. Hence the famous notion of the Cogito, which in somewhat condensed form, suggests that â€Å"I think, therefore I am.† The claim here is not that of a logical operatio n (thinking begets the awareness of existence) but rather that thinking constitutes the one demonstration of existence that our imperfect cognition makes allows. We are imperfect creatures, capable of being aware of our own imperfections. At the same time, though, we are aware of the possibility of perfection. We can think about the ideal, the infinite, the absolute. And yet we do not know these things, we do not experience these things, and we cannot point our fingers in the direction of some object out there in the physical world around us, in order to demonstrate any of these ideal qualities. Imagination, Descartes seems to suggest, simply isn't powerful to make an argument by way of extension, that would imagine perfection or completion from imperfect or incomplete elements. And so, Descartes suggests, our capacity to think – which is our only true capacity and essence – must have some root that explains the nature of perfection. Descartes introduces this argument by way of a rather awkward rhetorical question (93): â€Å"Now, it is manifest by the natural light that there must at least be as much reality in the efficient and total cause as in its effect; for whence can the effect draw its reality if not from its cause? And how could the cause communicate to it this reality unless it possessed it in itself? (93) How could it, indeed? Well, for Descartes, the answer to the question is contained within its premise: if we can understand perfection, there must exist the essence of perfection, and thus we know that God exists. From the act of thinking, then, we know that we exist, and from the act of thinking about the transcendent or the divine, then we know that God exists. These may seem like separate argument claims. Indeed, in the order they are presented, the Cogito appears to pave the way for the subsequent Ontological argument that proves the existence of God. But we need to understand that this is a trick of presentation, not a linear lo gical relationship. In fact it is the other way around, though this doesn't become apparent until Descartes concludes his project, when the debt the Cogito owes to the Ontological argument is revealed. The most telling paragraph is this: ...considering only that God is my creator, it is highly probably that he in some way fashioned me

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research paper SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 and DoddFrank law on banking Essay

Research paper SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 and DoddFrank law on banking industry - Essay Example It encouraged full disclosure of information to enable citizens to evaluate the worth of the firm before investing in it. The Dodd-Frank law also seeks to tighten regulation on credit rating agencies (Simon, 1989). Whether this was achieved or not has been a subject of debate around many corners. To assess the effects of the legislation, this paper will look at the wealth effects that surround the passage of the Act. The investors and the analysts will assess the benefits that this act has brought to their wealth status and whether or not it brought a significant difference since its enacting. If they determine that there are changes due to act and that the act is having positive effects in the investment business then they will assess it positively if otherwise they will give it a negative assessment. However, for the purposes of research, this paper will assume that the share prices of the firms that were expected to incur greater costs during compliance were negatively affected by the Act. This is because their share prices fell and it has been a challenge to bring them up. The paper will assume this position following the hype that followed the enactment of the Act especially in the media. The media popularized the negative effects of this legislation to the share prices of firms (Bloomfield, 2005). To assess the effects of this legislation, the paper will consider several studies that focus on the financial impacts brought about by disclosure of financial information then engage in an independent discussion on the same (DeFond, 2004). Previous studies indicate that financial disclosure by firms is very important to the shareholders. The shareholders need this kind of information in order to make decisions on which stocks they would invest in. It also helps the analyst by giving them the facts they can use in advising their clients. Being open to the public also helps the firm well manage its expectations. However, how the disclosure impacts on the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Normal Approximation in R-code

Normal Approximation in R-code Normal approximation using R-code Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine when it is more desirable to approximate a discrete distribution with a normal distribution. Particularly, it is more convenient to replace the binomial distribution with the normal when certain conditions are met. Remember, though, that the binomial distribution is discrete, while the normal distribution is continuous. The aim of this study is also to have an overview on how normal distribution can also be concerned and applicable in the approximation of Poisson distribution. The common reason for these phenomenon depends on the notion of a sampling distribution. I also provide an overview on how Binomial probabilities can be easily calculated by using a very straightforward formula to find the binomial coefficient. Unfortunately, due to the factorials in the formula, it can easily lead into computational difficulties with the binomial formula. The solution is that normal approximation allows us to bypass any of these problems. Introduction The shape of the binomial distribution changes considerably according to its parameters, n and p. If the parameter p, the probability of â€Å"success† (or a defective item or a failure) in a single experimental, is sufficiently small (or if q = 1 – p is adequately small), the distribution is usually asymmetrical. Alternatively, if p is sufficiently close enough to 0.5 and n is sufficiently large, the binomial distribution can be approximated using the normal distribution. Under these conditions the binomial distribution is approximately symmetrical and inclines toward a bell shape. A binomial distribution with very small p (or p very close to 1) can be approximated by a normal distribution if n is very large. If n is large enough, sometimes both the normal approximation and the Poisson approximation are applicable. In that case, use of the normal approximation is generally preferable since it allows easy calculation of cumulative probabilities using tables or other tec hnology. When dealing with extremely large samples, it becomes very tedious to calculate certain probabilities. In such circumstances, using the normal distribution to approximate the exact probabilities of success is more applicable or otherwise it would have been achieved through laborious computations. For n sufficiently large (say n > 20) and p not too close to zero or 1 (say 0.05 To find the binomial probabilities, this can be used as follows: If X ~ binomial (n,p) where n > 20 and 0.05 So is approximately N(0,1). R programming will be used for calculating probabilities associated with the binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions. Using R code, it will enable me to test the input and model the output in terms of graph. The system requirement for R is to be provided an operating system platform to be able to perform any calculation. Firstly, we are going to proceed by considering the conditions under which the discrete distribution inclines towards a normal distribution. Generating a set of the discrete distribution so that it inclines towards a bell shape. Or simply using R by just specifying the size needed. And lastly compare the generated distribution with the target normal distribution Normal approximation of binomial probabilities Let X ~ BINOM(100, 0.4). Using R to compute Q = P(35 X ≠¤ 45) = P(35.5 X ≠¤ 45.5): > diff(pbinom(c(45,35), 100, .4)) [1] -0.6894402 Whether it is for theoretical or practical purposes, Using Central Limit Theorem is more convenient to approximate the binomial probabilities. When n is large and (np/q, nq/p) > 3, where q = 1 – p The CLT states that, for situations where n is large, Y ~ BINOM(n, p) is approximately NORM(ÃŽ ¼ = np, ÏÆ' = [np(1 – p)]1/2). Hence, using the first expression Q = P(35 X ≠¤ 45) The approximation results as follows: l ÃŽ ¦(1.0206) – ÃŽ ¦(–1.0206) = 0.6926 Correction for continuity adjustment will be used in order for a continuous distribution to approximate a discrete. Recall that a random variable can take all real values within a range or interval while a discrete random variable can take on only specified values. Thus, using the normal distribution to approximate the binomial, more precise approximations of the probabilities are obtained. After applying the continuity correction to Q = P(35.5 X ≠¤ 45.5), it results to: ÃŽ ¦(1.1227) – ÃŽ ¦(–0.91856) = 0.6900 We can verify the calculation using R, > pnorm(c(1.1227))-pnorm(c(-0.91856)) [1] 0.6900547 Below an alternate R code is used to plot and illustrate the normal approximation to binomial. Let X ~ BINOM(100, l4) and P(35 45) > pbinom(45, 100, .4) pbinom(35, 100, .4) [1] 0.6894402 # Normal approximation > pnorm(5/sqrt(24)) pnorm(-5/sqrt(24)) [1] 0.6925658 # Applying Continuity Correction > pnorm(5.5/sqrt(24)) pnorm(-4.5/sqrt(24)) [1] 0.6900506 x1=36:45 x2= c(25:35, 46:55) x1x2= seq(25, 55, by=.01) plot(x1x2, dnorm(x1x2, 40, sqrt(24)), type=l, xlab=x, ylab=Binomial Probability) lines(x2, dbinom(x2, 100, .4), type=h, col=2) lines(x1, dbinom(x1, 100, .4), type=h, lwd=2) Poisson approximation of binomial probabilities For situations in which p is very small with large n, the Poisson distribution can be used as an approximation to the binomial distribution. The larger the n and the smaller the p, the better is the approximation. The following formula for the Poisson model is used to approximate the binomial probabilities: A Poisson approximation can be used when n is large (n>50) and p is small (p Then X~Po(np) approximately. AN EXAMPLE The probability of a person will develop an infection even after taking a vaccine that was supposed to prevent the infection is 0.03. In a simple random sample of 200 people in a community who get vaccinated, what is the probability that six or fewer person will be infected? Solution: Let X be the random variable of the number of people being infected. X follows a binomial probability distribution with n=200 and p= 0.03. The probability of having six or less people getting infected is P (X ≠¤ 6 ) = The probability is 0.6063. Calculation can be verified using R as > sum(dbinom(0:6, 200, 0.03)) [1] 0.6063152 Or otherwise, > pbinom(6, 200, .03) [1] 0.6063152 In order to avoid such tedious calculation by hand, Poisson distribution or a normal distribution can be used to approximate the binomial probability. Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution To use Poisson distribution as an approximation to the binomial probabilities, we can consider that the random variable X follows a Poisson distribution with rate ÃŽ »=np= (200) (0.03) = 6. Now, we can calculate the probability of having six or fewer infections as P (X ≠¤ 6) = The results turns out to be similar as the one that has been obtained using the binomial distribution. Calculation can be verified using R, > ppois(6, lambda = 6) [1] 0.6063028 It can be clearly seen that the Poisson approximation is very close to the exact probability. The same probability can be calculated using the normal approximation. Since binomial distribution is for a discrete random variable and normal distribution for continuous, continuity correction is needed when using a normal distribution as an approximation to a discrete distribution. For large n with np>5 and nq>5, a binomial random variable X with X∠¼Bin(n,p) can be approximated by a normal distribution with mean = np and variance = npq. i.e. X∠¼N(6,5.82). The probability that there will be six or fewer cases of these incidences: P (X≠¤6) = P (z ≠¤ ) As it was mentioned earlier, correction for continuity adjustment is needed. So, the above expression become P (X≠¤6) = P (z ≠¤ ) = P (z ≠¤ ) = P (z ≠¤ ) Using R, the probability which is 0.5821 can be obtained: > pnorm(0.2072) [1] 0.5820732 It can be noted that the approximation used is close to the exact probability 0.6063. However, the Poisson distribution gives better approximation. But for larger sample sizes, where n is closer to 300, the normal approximation is as good as the Poisson approximation. The normal approximation to the Poisson distribution The normal distribution can also be used as an approximation to the Poisson distribution whenever the parameter ÃŽ » is large When ÃŽ » is large (say ÃŽ »>15), the normal distribution can be used as an approximation where X~N(ÃŽ », ÃŽ ») Here also a continuity correction is needed, since a continuous distribution is used to approximate a discrete one. Example A radioactive disintegration gives counts that follow a Poisson distribution with a mean count of 25 per second. Find probability that in a one-second interval the count is between 23 and 27 inclusive. Solution: Let X be the radioactive count in one-second interval, X~Po(25) Using normal approximation, X~N(25,25) P(23≠¤x≠¤27) =P(22.5 =P ( ) =P (-0.5 =0.383 (3 d.p) Using R: > pnorm(c(0.5))-pnorm(c(-0.5)) [1] 0.3829249 In this study it has been concluded that when using the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution, a more accurate approximations was obtained. Moreover, it turns out that as n gets larger, the Binomial distribution looks increasingly like the Normal distribution. The normal approximation to the binomial distribution is, in fact, a special case of a more general phenomenon. The importance of employing a correction for continuity adjustment has also been investigated. It has also been viewed that using R programming, more accurate outcome of the distribution are obtained. Furthermore a number of examples has also been analyzed in order to have a better perspective on the normal approximation. Using normal distribution as an approximation can be useful, however if these conditions are not met then the approximation may not be that good in estimating the probabilities.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Rift Wars :: essays research papers

THE RIFT WARS Long before humans came to this part of the world, dwarves and elves made their homes in Caspia. Neither group bothered the other because they did not desire the lands of the other. After a time, however, their racial incompatibility began to wear on them. Since their basic attitudes and outlooks were so different, their infrequent encounters became less and less civil. Eventually, their leaders forbade their subjects to have anything to do with the other race. Feelings of mistrust and dislike grew as the years passed, eventually blossoming into hatred. Often, the younger, more hotheaded dwarves and elves disobeyed the orders of their elders. Members of each race began to stage guerilla raids on the other. Finally, the elves and dwarves declared an all-out war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The elves, armed with powerful magic, reduced the fortresses of the dwarves to rubble. Their skilled archers also decimated the dwarven offense in the forest. Defeat for the dwarven army seemed certain, but the dwarves were not to be easily beaten. Exploiting the blustery winds of the Rift, the dwarves lit and burned large tracts of woods. Either to avenge the burning forest or to escape the mounting flames, the elves poured out of the woods in droves. As they emerged from the flaming trees, half blinded by hot ash and choking smoke, the dwarves mowed them down. The blood of these two peoples ran thick in the Caspian River.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Meanwhile, the truly evil god Morgion with his orcs and goblins capitalized on a chance to wreak havoc on two of their most hated enemies. They began to covertly destroy the villages of both elves and dwarves, knowing that the feuding creatures would blame each other for these atrocities. The young, the old, the crippled, and the infirm of both races began to feel the bite of both lawful and chaotic blades.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For a time, this ruse worked perfectly. The slaughter of the innocents served to inflame the passions of the combatants, and they fought all the more fiercely because of it. The elves and dwarves might well have exterminated one another, had not an elven child escaped the carnage in one of the orc raids and told his rescuers of the monsters who were actually responsible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then the elves and dwarves met under a flag of truce, where they agreed to set aside their differences and deal with the common enemy. Their combined forces were mighty enough to crush the hordes of the evil Morgion.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analyzing a Major Issue, Domestic Violence as an Whole Essay

Although there are now laws against domestic violence, the issue still seems to be present in the 21st century. Once given an blind eye to is existence for decades people are now forced to face the fact that domestic violence is an major issue no matter when and where it may occur. In this essay I will be addressing the issues of: What is has been done to try and stop this violence and help the victims involved? What psychological issues that may fuel the particular act of violence? What challenges that law enforcement agencies and victims face pertaining to domestic violence and how might these challenges be addressed. And whether are not if I agree with the external peer reviewed references arguments based on domestic violence? Throughout the years domestic violence in our country was never a topic that was spoken about outside of our homes. It wasn’t until 1984 that Congress decided to bring this issue out of the darkness by inventing the Family Violence Prevention and Service Act (P. L 98-457) ( https://www. hildwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/domesticviolence/domesticviolencec. cfm). This act was proposed to assist States with their efforts to increase public awareness about domestic violence and to find ways to provide government funding to provide shelter and victim assistance. I for one think that congress did the right thing for this time period in our history. But it wasn’t until ten years later that the Violence against Women Act (VAWA) (h ttps://www. childwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/domesticviolence/domesticviolencec. cfm) came into play. This law helped the government establish the four titles that are within the VAWA act: Safe Homes for Women, Civil Rights for Women and equal Justice for Women in the Courts, Protections for Battered Immigrant Women and Children, and the Safe Street Act. A few years after that a new act was set into place called Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWOR). This act addresses the restraint put on battered individuals looking for work and support due to their domestic violence circumstances. This amendment give each state a loop hole to â€Å"temporarily exempt identified victims of domestic violence from meeting certain time limits and other work requirements. † (https://www. childwelfare. gov/pubs/usermanuals/domesticviolence/domesticviolencec. cfm) These acts as also helped to lead the way for â€Å"Congress to pass a law making it a federal crime for people convicted of domestic violence to own a gun (18 U. S. C. 922(g)(9)), hoping to reduce the injuries that repeat domestic violence offenders might inflict. The U. S.  Supreme Court upheld the law in the case of United States v. Hayes (2009), ruling that the law applied to any conviction based on an act of domestic violence, even if a defendant was not convicted explicitly of the crime of domestic violence. †( http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/domestic-violence-33813. html). Domestic violence according to our Psychology 110 textbook (Franzoi, 2009) could be linked to self-regulation failure (P. 66), ambivalent sexism behavior (P. 213), and aggression associated cues (P. 441) experienced in the home. Self-regulation failure seems to become present in any situation where one spouse or the other is putting aside his/her wants to do what is considered important to the relationship, this kind of sacrifice sometimes only back fires later. Any minor incident or disagreement could cause an individual to snap that has been given up their leisure time to do something else that was thought to be important. Let’s consider the psychological concept called ambivalent sexism behavior that is found on page 213 of Franzoi, 2009. This behavior is described as â€Å"behavior directed against women based on both positive and negative attitudes including hostility and benevolence, rather than uniform dislike. The example given stated that Turkey and Brazil men and women who endorse hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs towards women justify violence against wives when they challenge their husbands’ authority or violate traditional gender roles. †(Franzoi,2009). But this is not the case in aggression-associated cues located on page 441. These particular cues seem to trigger domestic violence in the households. Some of the well-known aggression cues are weapons such as: baseball bats, sticks, knives, and guns. The less recognized cues would be hostile physical characteristics, and negative attitudes coming from either party involved in a dispute. When domestic violence is present in a home it often goes unreported. In these situations it becomes hard for police officials to step in and protect the victim. â€Å"Police and prosecutors face two common problems when it comes to arresting, charging, and prosecuting domestic violence. First, victims of domestic violence are often reluctant to report the abuse. Abuse victims may hope that the abuse was an isolated act that will not be repeated. Are secondly they may be fearful that reporting the violence will only goad their attacker into further violence. If a woman and her children are dependent on their abuser’s income, the mother may fear that reporting the violence will result in loss of financial support. Understandable though such reactions may be, the result is that most crimes of domestic violence go unreported. The last thing that makes these kinds of cases hard to prosecute is that even when victims of domestic violence report attacks to the police, victims often refuse to testify against their attackers at trial. As defendants have a constitutional right to confront and cross-examine their accusers, prosecutors usually cannot offer domestic violence victims’ statements to the police into evidence in lieu of the victims’ actual testimony in court. As a result, prosecutors must sometimes dismiss domestic violence charges. The combination of failing to report and refusing to cooperate with prosecutors makes domestic violence one of the hardest crimes to successfully prosecute. (http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/domestic-violence-33813. html). † Victimized individuals of domestic disputes could help themselves and others by reporting the crime to the proper authorities no matter how big are small the dispute. But I can’t argue against the statement of: â€Å"domestic violence has been a constant despite differences in cultures or political regimes.. Whether it takes the form of sexual assault, physical assault, homicide, or one of the other myriad forms of abuse, societies struggling with defining otherwise criminal and abhorrent behavior rooted within a domestic, oftentimes familial, relationship. Attitudes of shame, silence, guilt, and fear battle against centuries of entitlement, tradition, and even theological tenets. (Shelley M. Santry, 2012). Often making it harder for the victim to report the crime sense he/she in so many words are â€Å"hoping that the abuse was an isolated incident† that won’t happen again. I do agree with the statement of â€Å"reporting the crime lets the abuser know that his/her behavior will not be tolerated by you or law enforcement. † (Sherman & Berk, 1984). I would also recommend that the victim of domestic violence should look for support programs and organizations that offer the help to get out a bad situation. These sorts of support groups and organizations could be run by protection agency and law enforcement to secure the safety and wellbeing of the victims involved. Prosecutors and other agencies involved in the criminal justice program could provide a service similar to witness protection for the victims of domestic violence to ensure that he/she goes to court to testify against their attacker. I agree with the statement made in (JENNETT, 2012) stating that â€Å"Changing policing practices reflect these attitudinal changes and police play a crucial role in ensuring that the rights of the battered are upheld. † Although this isn’t an easy process let’s consider the fact that everyone doesn’t see eye to eye on the issue of domestic violence. What if a police officer is an abuser him/herself? Then of course the officer that is called out isn’t going to do too much to protect the victim from the abuser. But I do disagree with the statement of â€Å"Police are not called on to protect victims of domestic violence until someone reports an incident. † (JENNETT, 2012). This is not always the case more than likely if an officer sees domestic violence in public he/she will intervene and try to settle the conflict. But these recommendations would be useless if you were a resident that resided inside the Topeka, Kansas. City limits. I honestly disagree with the decision of this city council â€Å"to decriminalize misdemeanor domestic violence cases. † (Shelley M. Santry, 2012). According to the information published this decision â€Å"came in response to the Shawnee County District Attorney, Chad Taylor, notifying the city that the District Attorney’s office would no longer prosecute such cases arising within Topeka city limits due to budgetary constraints. And my question to this article is â€Å"What about the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? †( http://www. loc. gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment. html). And the answers to these questions are yes! Depending on where you live and the state in which you reside. In my conclusion the main issue at hand goes further than domestic violence, there are criminal and civil procedures that exist in all states and countries that may or may not view this issue as a priority compared to other crimes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Nativism In The US

All so called â€Å"Native Americans,† were once immigrants. There were two waves of immigration between the early 1800’s through the early 1900’s. The first wave of immigrants called the â€Å"old immigrants† came to America between 1890-1897. They were primarily from Northern Europe: Great Britain, Germany, and Scandinavia. The second wave of immigrants called the â€Å"new immigrants† came to America from 1897-1924. The â€Å"new immigrants† primarily came from Southern and Eastern Europe countries such as Poland, Russia, and Italy. Nativist parties, like the Know-Nothings and the Order of the Star Spangled Banner verbalized their distaste and disapproval of immigrants. Actions and regulations against immigration did not begin until near the end of the â€Å"old immigration† and the beginning of the â€Å"new immigration.† Nativists had many fears and concerns regarding immigrants. These concerns included being socially ill-s uited to live with the older stock Americans, stealing jobs from the native wor! k force, and bringing new, radical ideas to the country. These fears and concerns caused nativists to come up with schemes to keep immigrants out of the country. These strategies had a great impact on immigration in our country. Nativists had many concerns regarding immigrants. They feared that immigrants would take the jobs of â€Å"native Americans† because they were willing to work for very low wages. When the native work force went on strike many workers feared that many immigrants would displace them in the workplace. Another concern was that immigrants were hard to â€Å"Americanize.† These people came to American with their own culture, traditions, and language; many of them didn’t even know English. Many nativists resented immigrants because they permeated the city and made it unsafe and dirty. Their slums were breeding grounds for disease and violence. Nativists regarded immigrants as an inferior class of people. One of the... Free Essays on Nativism In The US Free Essays on Nativism In The US All so called â€Å"Native Americans,† were once immigrants. There were two waves of immigration between the early 1800’s through the early 1900’s. The first wave of immigrants called the â€Å"old immigrants† came to America between 1890-1897. They were primarily from Northern Europe: Great Britain, Germany, and Scandinavia. The second wave of immigrants called the â€Å"new immigrants† came to America from 1897-1924. The â€Å"new immigrants† primarily came from Southern and Eastern Europe countries such as Poland, Russia, and Italy. Nativist parties, like the Know-Nothings and the Order of the Star Spangled Banner verbalized their distaste and disapproval of immigrants. Actions and regulations against immigration did not begin until near the end of the â€Å"old immigration† and the beginning of the â€Å"new immigration.† Nativists had many fears and concerns regarding immigrants. These concerns included being socially ill-s uited to live with the older stock Americans, stealing jobs from the native wor! k force, and bringing new, radical ideas to the country. These fears and concerns caused nativists to come up with schemes to keep immigrants out of the country. These strategies had a great impact on immigration in our country. Nativists had many concerns regarding immigrants. They feared that immigrants would take the jobs of â€Å"native Americans† because they were willing to work for very low wages. When the native work force went on strike many workers feared that many immigrants would displace them in the workplace. Another concern was that immigrants were hard to â€Å"Americanize.† These people came to American with their own culture, traditions, and language; many of them didn’t even know English. Many nativists resented immigrants because they permeated the city and made it unsafe and dirty. Their slums were breeding grounds for disease and violence. Nativists regarded immigrants as an inferior class of people. One of the...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Youth of India are the Catalyst for Change Essays

The Youth of India are the Catalyst for Change Essays The Youth of India are the Catalyst for Change Essay The Youth of India are the Catalyst for Change Essay The youth are considered to be the people who will represent the future as they pump in new ideologies as well as energy and skillset which would add to the pool of knowledge that is present. Youth in India are considered to be a backbone of the Nation. They can help facilitate the development process of a nation (Malik). The Indian culture has not given the youth the opportunity for growth for a long time, this has however, not been the case in the recent past as the youths have gained much focus towards their efforts in alleviating poverty (Bhushan). Firstly, India appears to be one of the countries that enjoy the largest democracy across the globe. The youth of the country is innovative, creative, energetic as well as revolutionary and always out there to discover more. The youth is ready to fight and work very hard towards attaining what it desires. This urge to work and gain their comfort has been an element of change. The youth are eager to participate in the social change by engaging in social networks across the country. India is the second fastest growing economy across the globe; it is, therefore, perceived that many youths are in the right direction in propelling the economy in the right direction. This is yet to be seen in making it the fastest growing economy. The population of India is composed of over 60% of youth population; this is a good amount of workforce to drive the necessary change and transform India into a modern nation. Yet out of this population there is big percentage of unemployed and poor youths. If this is looked into, poverty among the youth would be alleviated (Bhushan). There is, however, the need for inclusive approach of youths participation in the decision-making process. There is also an immediate need for the young people of India to be involved in the policy formulation to ensure the lives of every youth is improved to a quality state. A motivated youth transform into a motivated nation. Another option is to ensure the youth population of India is well educated through various forms of training, and access to quality education. Investing in education means that the youth would bring aboard a newly rejuvenated skill-set for the sake of economic development. Educating the youth helps facilitate the process of eradicating poverty. Education should also incorporate the element of integrity, and when they grow up to become productive citizens, they will uphold moral aspect of work, and there would be an honest nation at large. To ensure the youth of India become good catalyst of change, the developmental process should be all inclusive. There needs to be a proper framework that should help in the integration of the youth in the various job opportunities in the Government and non-government sector. India as a developing nation has had a good number of emerging non-governmental organizations that work both at large and at the grassroots level to help bring socio-economic change to the vulnerable youth. The vulnerable youth have in the past been left out of the development agenda (Malik). Vulnerable youth is inclusive of but not limited to, the transgender, the poor, and the physically challenged. Job creation as well as training should be part of poiverty eradication agenda (Young People Must Be At Centre Of Sustainable Development Agenda, Speakers Say, As General Assembly Marks Anniversary Of World Programme Of Action For Youth | Meetings Coverage And Press Releases). There is a bad occurrence of child labour in India; this inhibits the children from improving their wellbeing regarding physical development, psychological development and even in their education. The children never get education when they are put to work at a tender age. The legislation that was enacted should prevent this to give room for the proper development of these young ones into productive youths. In conclusion, for the youth of India to become a productive catalyst for change in the attempt to alleviate poverty, there have to be proper channels that are put in place to not only empower but also to facilitate their well-being in all spheres. A motivated population leads to a motivated nation, and more diligent, honest and good progress would be experienced. Young People Must Be At Centre Of Sustainable Development Agenda, Speakers Say, As General Assembly Marks Anniversary Of World Programme Of Action For Youth | Meetings Coverage And Press Releases. N.p., 2005. Web. 1 Nov. 2016. Malik, Bijaya Kumar. Youth Development In India: Does Poverty Matter?. SpringerPlus 4.1 (2015): n. pag. Web. Bhushan, Tahini. Poverty Alleviation And Sustainable Development- The Case For India. SSRN Electronic Journal n. pag. Web.

Monday, November 4, 2019

TM Forum Framework Overview Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

TM Forum Framework Overview - Research Paper Example It is a complete package that introduces improvement and agility in the on going business operations and processes. Considered for transformation of businesses into more effective and manageable forms, this framework is highly appreciated with its more that 700 members worldwide. The main and essential components of this framework include the Business Process Framework (eTOM), Information Framework (SID), Integration Framework (TNA) and Application Framework (TAM). These frameworks are described in the forth coming text below. The initial discussion is about a combined notion named New Generation Operation Support Systems (NGOSS). 2 - What is NGOSS? NGOSS can be thought of as a fully optimized, standardized, comprehensive and customized Operating System that curtails every possible needs of the business industry. Its like business industry’s own operating system that provides an extremely agile and streamlined way to implement the business processes and operations. It is desig ned by TM Forum and includes tools for all the stakeholders of a business. The objective is to introduce optimality and to expand the possible customized yet flexible and low cost solutions for software and Internet based infra structures of the business industry. This can also be considered as a comprehensive guidance system to develop business architecture, processes and maps. ... Figure 1.1 3a. eTOM (Enhanced Telecom Operations Map): The complexities in installing and running a network and the problems of filtering out the best and optimal practices are answered comprehensively through the TM Forum’s enhanced telecom operations map or standard business process framework. â€Å"The eTOM (enhanced telecom Operations Map, published by the TM Forum and the eTOM model describes the full scope of business processes required by a service provider and defines key elements and how they interact.† (Astimen) 3b. SID (Shared Information /Data Model): The information framework provides a standardized model to handle all the information processing needs of an organization. â€Å"SID is a unified reference data model providing a single set of terms for business objects in tele-communication. The objective is to enable people in different departments, companies or geographical locations to use the same term to describe the same real world objects, practices an d relationships.† (Astimen) 3c. TAM (Telecom Application Map): This application framework is designed to streamline the Business Support Systems (BSS) and Operation Support Systems (OSS) of an organization by providing a standard way of description and grouping of processes and functions. â€Å"TAM is one of the primary NGOSS artifact. It considers the role and functionality of the various applications that deliver OSS and BSS capability. Structured along the similar lines to other TM Forum NGOSS artifacts: the process framework – the eTOM and the information framework – the SID, it is presented in a similar layered and vertical structures.† (Astimen) 3d. TNA (Technology Neutral Architecture): This integration framework (NGOSS – TNA) defines

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sentence fluency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Sentence fluency - Essay Example Contextually, it is these aspects that represent the important ideas of sentence fluency (Timothy, â€Å"Guided Fluency Instruction: Moving Students to Independence†). GOAL STATEMENT The fundamental goal of the curriculum will concentrate on critically evaluating knowledge gained by the learners with respect to planning, evaluation and editing of the writings by learners. In this regard, applying brainstorming sessions, group discussion and peer review will be taken into account strategically. The application of this curriculum is likely to enhance the understanding capability of the learners with respect to their ideas related to the usage of detailed information along with application of apt words. It is expected that with the assistance of this curriculum, learners will be able to easily identify and rectify their syntax mistakes, which they used to be ignorant towards in prior instances. This curriculum will also act with the aim to fortify the quality of the sentences fra med by the learners (Timothy, â€Å"Guided Fluency Instruction: Moving Students to Independence†). This curriculum has been specially designed to initiate the need for sentence fluency among the domestic and the international students. This curriculum will assist the learners throughout their developmental course, generating a sense of need and importance for this particular subject, as it has a strong hold with respect to communicative competencies in the international plethora. DISCUSSION In precise, this curriculum will assist the learner to have a better insight about the importance of applying facts and figures within the informational article. It is worth mentioning in this context that there exist a generalized six kinds of writing traits viz., idea and concept, organization, voice, sentence fluency, usage of words and conventions. In consideration with the curriculum, it will enhance the ideas and the conception of the learner with regard to writing a sentence or sent ence fluency. Furthermore, this curriculum will be intended towards assisting the learners in organizing sentences in order to develop their abilities to convey the concerned ideas maintaining consistency in the flow of information. It is in this context that voice frames an important part in the formation of sentences accelerating sentence fluency in turn. The curriculum designed will therefore foster understanding of the learner concerning smooth and harmonized flow of ideas and objectives with respect to the sentences. Moreover, this curriculum will also intend to assist the learners concerning the importance of words choice in maintaining and grooming sentence fluency (Timothy, â€Å"Guided Fluency Instruction: Moving Students to Independence†). Instructional design will also be regarded to hold considerable importance in the success potentials of the curriculum. Instructional design comprises a series of procedures, which aim at assisting in the development of the qualit y aspects and evaluative efficiency of the curriculum being designed. Instructional procedure comprehensively builds up with the requirement of sentence fluency for individual development. Furthermore, the instructional content of this curriculum will entail an objective-oriented approach in its designing. Fluency within the sentences, in this context, imposes a greater impact on the listeners and the readers too. The